“Embrace Your Artistic Journey: Unlock Your Potential With Move In Colors!”

Move in Colors, an international non-profit art association, continues to make waves in the global art community with its innovative approach to promoting contemporary art and fostering cultural exchange. Founded by Alessandra Lugli, Lucia Vacchetta, and Jean Lugli, the association aims to break down barriers in the art world, making it more accessible to artists and art enthusiasts worldwide.

At the heart of Move in Colors is its commitment to providing a platform for artists from diverse backgrounds to showcase their work and connect with a global audience. Through its Virtual Interactive Museum, known as the Micmac (Move in Colors Museum of Arts and Crafts), the association offers a space for artists to exhibit their creations, ranging from painting and sculpture to music and dance.

One of the key features of Move in Colors is its themed exhibitions, which invite artists to explore various topics and express their creativity within a specific theme. With competitions such as “The City,” “Pain and Sorrow,” and “The Sky,” artists have the opportunity to engage with universal themes and contribute to a collective dialogue on contemporary issues.

In addition to its exhibitions, Move in Colors also hosts a series of themed competitions, offering artists the chance to win professional art critiques and special mentions for their work. These competitions are open to all members, with no financial barriers to participation, reflecting the association’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility.

Under the guidance of art critic Massimiliano Reggiani, Move in Colors continues to uphold high standards of artistic excellence while providing a supportive environment for artists to grow and develop their craft. Reggiani’s expertise and cosmopolitan background bring a wealth of knowledge and insight to the association, enriching the artistic experience for members and visitors alike.

As Move in Colors looks ahead to the future, its founders remain committed to their vision of creating a vibrant and dynamic community of artists and art enthusiasts from around the world. With its dedication to innovation, collaboration, and cultural exchange, Move in Colors is poised to make a lasting impact on the global art scene for years to come.

Join Move in Colors Today!

Experience the vibrant world of contemporary art and connect with artists from around the globe by becoming a member of Move in Colors. With a 365-day membership, you’ll gain access to exclusive benefits, including:

  • Occasional Newsletter: Stay updated on the latest exhibitions, competitions, and events in the art world.
  • Membership Card: Proudly display your membership with a personalized card.
  • Participation in Annual Administration Meetings: Have your voice heard and contribute to the direction of the association.
  • Participation in the Creation of New Projects: Get involved in shaping the future of Move in Colors.
  • FREE Participation in All Competitions: Showcase your talent and compete for professional art critiques and special mentions.

Sign Up Now and Unlock Even More Benefits!

For an additional fee, members can enjoy extras such as:

  • Personal Exhibition: Showcase your work in a dedicated exhibition space for one month. With a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 50 artworks accepted, artists of all levels are welcome to participate.

Please Note:

  • Artists can choose their personal exhibition date by contacting the Association.
  • Members must fill in the form in all its parts. The Association will confirm its approval within 2 working days of its reception.
  • The Association will check the uploaded works and has the right to reject them. In case of arising problems, the Association will contact the Artist/Author directly.
  • The Association has the power to cancel the registration of any member at any time, in the event of some breach of terms/regulation or inadequacy of behaviour.
  • The Association will not be held responsible for any copyright violation for any work/article/item etc. uploaded by registered members. Said member is responsible for the uploaded works.
  • Themed and Group Exhibition will only be presented if the minimum number of works (as indicated in the rules) is submitted.
  • The moneys collected by the Association are registered as membership/participation fees or donations.
  • Fees are not adjustable or refundable.

Join Move in Colors today and become part of a vibrant community of artists and art lovers from around the world!

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