Registration is valid for 365 days, therefore a registration starting on January 15th will expire at midnight of January 14th of the following year.
The Portfolio is a space dedicated to the artist in which his artistic CV, his works with all the related details, personal links to Fb / Instagram pages or whatever can be inserted.
For reasons of the artist’s privacy and security, it is advisable not to enter sensitive data (telephone number / address / personal info not related to one’s art) as the artist’s portfolio is visible to all.
Entries include personal exhibitions of the artist in the Micmac virtual museum. These exhibitions are continuous and cannot be separated during the year. Each registered member may, however, decide to exhibit in further exhibitions, within the period of validity of the registration, by paying the relative fee (€ 25 – 3 months / € 45 – 6 months / € 65 – 12 months).There is also the possibility of extending the exposure period (3 or 6 months), within the validity period of the registration, by upgrading to the relevant plan
Themed exhibitions are open to registered and non-registered members. The cost is€ 5 / work exhibited up to a maximum of 3 works per exhibition (tot € 15). The duration of the themed exhibitions is 2 months and they are exhibited in the MicMac museum. Artists participating in themed exhibitions (if not already registered in one of the STANDARD / PREMIUM / EXECUTIVE packages) do not have a personal portfolio available within the association. Participation in these exhibitions does not result in an annual membership of the association and, therefore, they are not members of Move in Colors.
As an international association, the association assemblies will be held online (via Skipe or other method), once a year (at least as long as the number of members does not require more frequent meetings. As for the obligation to participate, the following is the paragraph relating to the rules of this meeting(cit. MEMBERS’ MEETINGThe Association Members ‘Meeting is the sovereign body of the association: it is composed of all members in good standing with the payment of the membership fee and annual contributions and who, on the date of the notice of call, are registered in the Shareholders’ Register.The assembly is convened by the President, at least once a year, and whenever he deems it appropriate and is chaired by the President. The convocation of the meeting can however be requested by at least one / tenth of the shareholders.The convening of the meeting is carried out with a notice displayed in the registered office at least fifteen days before the date set for the first call of the meeting and must contain the agenda, date, time and place of the meeting. In the same notice calling the meeting, an additional day can be set for the second call.The ordinary shareholders’ meeting resolves:- the election of the board of directors;- the approval of the economic and financial accounting statement and the annual report;- the annual program of activities;- topics decided by the Board of Directors;On first call, the ordinary assembly is duly constituted with the presence of half of the shareholders entitled to participate; on second call it is valid whatever the number of members attending. The assembly decides, on the items on the agenda, by an absolute majority, that is, with the favorable vote of half plus one of the voters.
- Display ROOM (Exhibition Space / Showcase) which consists of a part of the Micmac dedicated to presenting the works for sale. The exhibited works (paintings, statues, objects) will be visible to all (paying members, free members, simple visitors) and will only present the title of the work and the work (further sensitive details will not be visible). Statues and objects exhibited in the Display room must be in 3D format (for the 1. paintings it is not necessary) in order to be visible in a realistic way on all sides. The display of objects in the display room is not mandatory.
- Display LIST (photographic list) which is the list of all the objects for sale (whether they are on display in the ROOM Display or not). This list will present all the details relating to the object for saleFor security and privacy reasons, membership of the association (even if only free) is required in order to view the Display List.