1. Artists can choose their personal exhibition date by contacting the Association.
  2. Members must fill in the form in all its parts. The Association will confirm its approval within 2 working days of its reception.
  3. The Association will check the uploaded works and has the right to reject them. In case of arising problems, the Association will contact the Artist/Author directly.
  4. The Association has the power to cancel the registration of any member at any time, in the event of some breach of terms/regulation or inadequacy of behaviour.
  5. The Association will not be held responsible for any copyright violation for any work/article/item etc. uploaded by registered members. Said member is responsible for the uploaded works.
  6. Exhibition will only be presented if the minimum number of works (as indicated in the rules) is submitted.
  7. The moneys collected by the Association are registered as membership/ participation fees or donations.
  8. Fees are not adjustable or refundable 
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