Market Place
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- The Market Place is divided in 2 distinguished sections: the "SHOWROOM" and the "CATALOGUE"
- The fee of 2 € is intended per singular item exhibited in the "SHOWROOM"
- The Market Place "SHOWROOM" is a MicMac section where all items will be visible by all visitors. Visible details will be limited to Name of Artist/Title of item/ Price of item; but a link is available to the Artists Portfolio where visitors can view all works of the same artist (this tag is not available in the "CATALOGUE").
- To view the details required to buy the item displayed we have created a "CATALOGUE" where all vendors shall insert personal contact, payment and expedition info (as well as item’s precise description and photos) which can be entered only with a password.
- The fee entitles whoever wishes to sell an artistic item to show it in our "SHOWROOM", whereas the items displayed in the "CATALOGUE" may be entered free (visible as photographs only and only to registered members).
- As space is limited in the "SHOWROOM" vendors will be allowed to exhibit max.3 work
- Items exhibited in "SHOWROOM" must be sent in 3D format (except paintings and/or photographs, which will be rendered by the Association)
- All items shall be sent with neutral background as we will need to remove it before placement
- Please fill in the form that will be sent to you once registration is confirmed) with photographs of the item to be uploaded and send it to the Association at least 2 weeks prior display in order to organize its placement.
- Paintings and photographs shall be sent in full screen, without frames (unless frame is included in sale) and must be sent as attachment and not as image, to avoid the action of any compression algorithms provided by the Web Mail client
- The "CATALOGUE" will display All artistic items on sale (whether they are in the "SHOWROOM" or not).
- All members exhibiting in our expos will have their artworks included in the "CATALOGUE" (unless stated differently). Any other registered member may upload a maximum of 10 art items in the "CATALOGUE"
- All items on sale must be authorised by the administration panel
- No commission will be asked for sales transactions
- The "CATALOGUE" will we presented as a list of photographs with precise details of the item as well as complete indications on how to contact the vendor, payment and expedition form.
- Move in Colors deals solely with facilitating contact between buyer and vendor. All subsequent phases of the transaction (negotiation / payment / shipment), will be managed directly by the vendor and buyer, who discharge Move in Colors from any type of responsibility. No type of intervention can be requested from Move in Colors.